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Members: Fabio Adezio, Gianguglielmo Calvi, Stefano Noferi
Members: Fabio Adezio, Gianguglielmo Calvi, Stefano Noferi
NOZE - Open Source Enterprise
- Noze merges its professionality and competences to give its customers state of the art solutions in Information and Communication Technologies fields. It is the perfect system integrator able to balance innovation, reliability and highly technological tools, in the process of information rearrangement for any kind of company. It is open becaus it uses only open-source software and open standards to preserve its customers investments. Major sectors in wich noze has gained deep know how and skills are: * Web Applications: it manages the creation of highly complex and customizable web systems able to answer the needings of any kind from graphics to remote, distributed computation and storage. * Networking: it follow the customer from the initial set up and design of its infrastructure until a solid network is operative. It install its remote monitoring and managing tools giving customers know how and softwares to solve the majority of administrative problems by their own. * Integration: it merges different hardware, open source technologies, development tools and state of the art computer science solutions to build the systems that fit best their customers needs. * Technological Research : it continuously follows scientific and technological advances that are on the edge in their fields. It invests a lot of time and resources customizing and improving what it founds to create new flexible solutions and to investigate further business area and market needs.