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 • General comments, suggestions...

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Posts: 8

 • General comments, suggestions...

Posted by butz at 2005-01-27 11:38 AM

HI again,

it seems that I have no access to parts of the topics here. Particularly, I don't see the emotional track of the project at all. What has been discussed? How come I do not see it?

I would suggest that everybody (in the project) can read any discussion and can also add to any discussion. Additionally, we are supposed to ("forced to") add to particular discussions as outlined by Rino's work plan.

Doesn't everybody aggree to this?

best wishes



Posts: 11

 • Re: General comments, suggestions...

Posted by admin at 2005-01-27 01:01 PM

We would like to clarify again the forum discussion
mechanism in the this project phase (scenarios,
discussions,...) for the whole consortium.

There will be 3 discussion cycles managed
in the following way.

Partner can ADD NEW topic only in forums
where they are registered as MANAGER (COORDINATOR) or
PROPONENT (see Rino's Document).

If a partner does not belong to one of the previous
categories he can only SEE and REPLY to added topics.

PROJECT COORDINATOR decided to follow that scheme
to produce structured documents that advantage everybody
in the deliverable writing and in the management activities.

Moreover, in that way PROPONENTs are forced to start the discussion.

If no discussion was started before the END DATE
the cause can be immediatly identified in the PROPONENTs
and in the COORDINATOR that did not monitor enough his

In the future free discussions forums will be available.

Good luck to everybody!

Posts: 8

 • Re: General comments, suggestions...

Posted by butz at 2005-01-28 02:08 PM

Seeing the lack of discussion so far, I would suggest to increase the first discussion period for another week - it seems that there are deadlines on the 1st of Feb.-- in this way the people that are busy with that deadline my be able to look at the forums afterwards and add their thoughts on the topics!

best wishes




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Anticipatory Cognitive Science is a research field that ensembles artificial intelligence, biology, psychology, neurology, engineering and philosophy in order to build anticipatory cognitive systems that are able to face human tasks with the same anticipatory capabilities and performance. In deep: Cognitive science is the interdisciplinary study of mind and intelligence, embracing philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, linguistics, and anthropology. Its intellectual origins are in the mid-1950s when researchers in several fields began to develop theories of mind based on complex representations and computational procedures. Its organizational origins are in the mid-1970s when the Cognitive Science Society was formed and the journal Cognitive Science began. Since then, more than sixty universities in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia have established cognitive science programs, and many others have instituted courses in cognitive science.